Friday 1 July 2011

Transformers 3 Review


This review is probs full of grammar and spelling mistakes dont judge. and if you dont like action films, you will more than likely hate it.

So yup, i jumped on the bandwagon and went to see the new Transformers, 2D of course, as personally i feel 3D films kinda suck (excluding avatar only), but that's a whole different conversation.

Ive saw the last 2 which i personally loved, and i used to be an old fan of the cartoon, but actually too young to remember most old plot lines to give a varied contrast between the old cartoon story and the new Michael Bay renditions of Transformers, I go as far as to remember the names of each one =P.

So yeah, lets talk about Michael Bay. first of all, everyone knows him, hes on the same level of famous as James Cameron etc, and personally i think a better director, but like every director his movies are not for everyone, and with Michael hes an Action and Horror director, 2 genres that don't necessary appeal to the majority of the female gender (of course theres exceptions to this). Anyway, onto the movie!

Assuming you have seen the previous 2 films the plot carries on with the fight between the Autobots and the Decepticons but now both the alien races are publicly known about because in the second one they end up blowing up most of America. we follow Sam yet again though his life and see it get entangled into the whole mess that is the war between the alien races. similar to the second one, actually i am just gonna make a list of similarities, might be easier =P

Hot girl - Check
Lots of guns - Check
Big Robots smashing the hell out of each other - Check
Sam struggling in life (College 2nd one, Work in the new one) - Check
Sam gets involved in the war somehow between the 'secret' human government and the alien races - Check
New Big Bad Guy - Check
Twists and Turns - Check
Optimus Prime saves the day in sorts - Check
Optimus Prime gets beaten in sorts - Check
New Secret weapon and big bad plot to destroy or enslave humanity - Check

Ok these are just a few similarities of the top of my head, and although there are all these similarities, Michael still made it freakin awesome, i honestly don't know how. what is different is the twists and turns though, and they do shock you a bit, which is always invigorating to see in a movie. i also like how the integrate past events into the twists, like the whole first man on the moon was actually a top secret mission to recover artifacts from the an alien ship that was crashed on there. It kind of sets the audience in the mood of, 'wow the government could actually get away with something like that' which in turns opens the viewers mind into a creative mode.

lets talk about the battle between Megan Fox and the all new Rosie Huntington. as much as i love to see a hot British female making it in one of the biggest selling movies of the year, personally i didn't think her performance was on par with Megan Fox's in the previous 2 films, Hey that's just how i felt watching the movie. She comes across as a bit uptight and snobby where with Megan Fox she integrated with the role well, and had a more better chemistry with Shia (Sam) on set. Hey this could be because Shia actually slept with Megan meaning she cheated on her current boyfriend (he insinuated in a recent interview his exact words was 'what happened, happened') all i can say is, well done sir. but in relation to it, i think it actually improved the chemistry on set and on camera. In this movie i personally just don't think Rosie preformed well. but hey, shes hot =P

I am just gonna wrap this up with, if you have seen the other 2, you wont want to miss this one, i might have talked about a lot of its bad points here, but too be honest, i loved the movie, and it was a good addition to the Transformers movies. it has its good action packed storyline with funny quirky lines, its just a good all round movie to watch. My personal opinion i believe number 2 was the best so far.

8/10 Rating.

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